Semantic Paths: Connecting research at EMNLP 2021

Semantic Paths brings together the power of Babelscape's neuro-symbolic multilingual text processing which includes state-of-the-art Word Sense Disambiguation and Entity Linking, concept extraction and personalized knowledge graph creation.

For the EMNLP 2021 conference use case, we applied our technologies to the document base of the EMNLP 2021 accepted papers (including Findings of EMNLP), to extract meaningful insights and correlations from raw data between papers, researchers, research bodies, skills, areas, etc.:

SemanticPaths can be customized to search any domain or document base. Find out more here.

How does it work?

How does it work?

Once it is up and running, you just:

  • type someone's name, any term matching a concept or area in the multilingual knowledge graph, a company name etc.
  • check and monitor the resulting information connections across dimensions
  • further refine the search
  • share the results of your search

If you find any inaccuracy or issue with the data shown by SemanticPaths, please report it to